Friday, June 11, 2010

Narmada dam fails World Bank's final test

Villagers from the Narmada River valley danced in celebration last week when they learnt that the Indian government was withdrawing from a loan agreement with the World Bank to complete the massive dam and irrigation project. The cancellation of the loan was a victory for the tribal people who have vowed to drown in their homes rather than be resettled, and for local and international environmental and human rights groups who have waged a seven-year campaign against the project.

After a scathing report on the project by an independent review team last year, the bank insisted that the Indian government must meet tough conditions - mostly concerning the resettlement of people displaced by the project and the effects of the project on the environment - by the end of March (This Week, 21 October 1992). The bank planned to send a team to India in April to check that the ...

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